General Information

The auditing firm «JAVLON AUDIT SERVIS» has been operating in the audit services market for over eighteen years. Our organization was established on March 1, 2004. The organization's charter capital is 240,000,000 UZS, and the annual insurance policy is 400,000,000 UZS. The organization's specialists have work experience in auditing firms ranging from three to twenty years and specialize in auditing large industrial enterprises, organizations, joint-stock companies, limited liability companies, and private enterprises. The organization has qualified specialists proficient in the methodology of the accounting system according to national and international standards, who can provide audit services and analyze financial statements in accordance with auditing standards We offer our clients the following services: audit in accordance with auditing standards and accounting standards, accounting services, restoration and maintenance of accounting records, taxation services, consulting, expert services for construction work, and software.

Our primary mission is to provide high-quality services to our clients, which will help improve their operations and contribute to increasing their profitability in the future. In line with the tasks of auditing organizations, we conduct an analysis and confirm the accuracy of the financial statements of business entities based on a real and objective assessment of the efficiency of economic activity. We develop constructive proposals to improve the efficiency of business entities. By identifying the risks and challenges of each client and their individual needs, we strive to ensure the proper reflection of all issues related to the specifics of the client's legislation, operations, and financial reporting system. The reputation of our auditing firm is of great importance to us, and for this reason, our specialists, who hold auditor qualification certificates, create and maintain a strong positive image of the organization.